HWg-cloud.com features

Remote monitoring

You can monitor temperature, humidity, power consumption, intrusion, smoke, motion, water leaks and many more.

E-mail alerts

Create a safe range for your sensors and get alarmed over E-mail.

Hundreds of sensors on one screen

Values from your sensors and Administration of your devices on one screen.


Look 10 days back in time for older sensor values and events.

Connect your devices in 30 sec

„Adopt the device“ function for quick addition of all HW group devices to HWg-cloud.com.

No payments

Portal is provided as free service by manufacturer for device managenent of our devices. Registration for free, no additional payments, no fees.


  • Which devices and sensors I can connect to HWg-cloud.com?

  • How to connect my device to HWg-cloud.com?

  • How do I switch the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit?

  • How to remove unused sensors?

  • How to migrate devices and sensors from HWg-cloud.com to another cloud portal?
  • More questions and answers on the button.

HWg-cloud.com account limits

Device limit (?) 20
Users limit (?) 1
Alerts (?)       E-mail / 2 targets       
Log DB [days] (?) 10
PDF Reports (?) No
Mobile App (?) No
Open API (?) No
Price For free

Connect your device in 30 seconds

  1. Check your device and localize so called “Device Hash” on your device. If there is no Hash device number on your device, use last 8 digits of MAC address or IMAI number in the following form: xxxx-xxxx
  2. Connect IoT monitoring device to the network and power the device on
  3. Log-in or register to HWg-cloud.com
  4. Click on Adopt the device
  5. Write the device hash number in the field on the web page
  6. Click on “Adopt button”
  7. Your device will be added to HWg-cloud.com

In Standalone monitoring devices (local web) have to be portal enabled manually by web.

Migration: All devices can be migrated to HWg-cloud.com from any SensDesk Technology portal.

Consult with HW group distributor

  • 70 types of sensors / detectors
  • 30 types of monitoring devices
  • LAN / WiFi / LTE / GSM / NB-IoT connectivity

HW group produces each year:

  • 18 000 sensors
  • 11 000 devices with RJ-45
  • 1500 devices with SIM cards



Dew point Light measurement Analog Input Flooding Temperature Relative humidity Current Air quality VoC Air quality CO2 Voltage Atmospheric pressure
Air flow Vibration Smoke Power detector/switch Gas Power Supply Door contact Motion Electricity meter Contact And many more

Do you need advanced features?

SensDesk.com is a comprehensive professional system for remote monitoring of your environment.

  • Higher device or user limit
  • Advanced alerts (SMS, Phone-calls)
  • Look further in history (more log DB)
  • Integration into 3rd party system (Open API)
  • Reports in PDF


Contact us



HW group s. r. o.

Formanská 296, Prague, 149 00

Czech Republic, Europe

VAT: CZ27096963





HW group s.r.o. was founded in 2003 in Prague, Czech Republic.

Czech Republic is member of European Union.